"David Scott has been a student of mine for the past two years both at The Arthur Findlay College and in Dallas. His spiritual awareness has blossomed during that time. He is a competent spiritual  medium in private sittings, gallery work, and teaching others their own spiritual awareness.  David's work is pure, from the heart, and he works with spiritual intent. Those of you who connect with him in whatever capacity, will, I am sure, benefit from the experience." - Minister Matthew Smith - Spiritualist's National Union, Teacher at the Arthur Findlay College 
"I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the reading last night.  I went back and listened to the recording and was able to pick up things which didn’t resonate at the time but became much clearer after listening another time (or two). My friend was overjoyed to hear from her recently deceased husband and confirmed many details of your reading including the way he died.  I thought he just died of a heart attack but she said he did, in fact, hit his head (really hard) when he fell into the bathtub where he died instantly. Both of my readings were remarkable. And the only other question I have is why don’t you have your own television show!? I’ll be referring you lots of friends…. And looking forward to another sitting in the near future. In the meantime, I’ll be sending healing love and light. - Debi, Arlington, Texas 
"David I want to thank you for the amazing READING. I drove 2 1/2 hours to see you and I would drive all night if I had too you are awesome.I wasn't sure what I was going to get from the reading ,but oh my gosh are you kidding me how did you do it ??? Wow the things you told me about my Son ..gee thank you I needed to hear them 100% true. I provided you NO information. The things you told me, meant the world to me and now after 2 years I can move forward . I got the information I was looking for.Thank you so much! I got more than I ever dreamed of getting. You have such a gift  DAVID thank you for healing my heart. I can't wait to come back for another reading. P.S. My family is coming for reading!": Corinne - Chandler ,Texas

"I have had the pleasure of having Spirit bring David into my life. He is so amazing and great at what he does. What I love most about David is he really cares about people and has an amazing heart energy when you are with him."

.............."Joy Kauf" - Owner, Miracles of Joy Spiritual Center, Lewisville Texas 

"Overall it was a great reading and you were "right on" about my daughter and my work situation."

............"Nancy" - Murphy, Texas

"Thanks, David, for the recent reading. I knew you had a gift when, during my reading,  you mentioned a detail about my father who had come through - and it was a detail very few people knew about him."............."Elizabeth" - Plano, Texas
"You gave a reading for my nephew.  Thank you so much for the information you provided him and the care you took with him.  I do not know all of what you said but I know all of it definitely had an effect.  I also appreciate you told him some things I had told him - this hopefully confirmed it for him (info about his math abilities, etc.).  It's nice to hear it from someone with no 'vested' interest in him.

Thank you again.  Love and Light to you and yours.  Blessed be your path."

............."Teresa" - Aledo, Texas

"I wanted to thank you for the amazing reading and advice that you gave me at the Addison Wellness Expo on Saturday April 17th. I am sure that after all of the clients that you saw you may not remember me but you helped me so much. I have been in a very dark place since my layoff in August but after talking to you and being surrounded by like-minded people at the Expo I feel like I have made the SHIFT! The light at the end of the tunnel has revealed itself and my journey is clearer to me now so that I can move forward to a more fulfilled and joyful life. You have a very kind spirit and I felt that you really cared about my well being. That kindness meant more to me than you know. I look forward to having another reading soon and reaching further into the spirit.": Letisha- Scurry, Texas
"David, I am so glad that we have made a connection with you.  Spirit definitely lead our paths to cross… Our customers, family and friends that have experienced a gallery with you have been very impressed with your abilities, not to mention how much everyone likes you, especially me (Fall) …… My mother and I had a conversation on Tuesday morning about how impressed we were with the way you lead the gallery in such a professional way, all the while making everyone feel quite comfortable around you.  I asked her to put her words into writing, so here it is; Pat’s testimonial: “David
came in with integrity and positive energy.  He showed an appreciation for the privilege of holding the gallery at the store.  I appreciated his calling
attention to the crystal grid and my intention in setting it up.  He was aware of the wonderful energy of the store and tapped into that really well.  It is
apparent that he is a gifted, loving soul who wants to share that gift with others.”: Pat Cook - Power of the Rainbow, owner 

I was happy that I could talk to Paul a little bit last Saturday.  I think he is great!  I relate positive energies that I feel from people to the vibration of crystals and stones, and you guys are like Citrine (David) and Rose Quartz (Paul).  That’s a compliment, just in case you don’t know what I am talking about… In Love & Light.: Fall - Power of the Rainbow, co-owner
"I want to thank you again for transmitting messages from my departed relatives: I didn't know that such things were possible in this universe as it's my first such experience. It takes a while for things to emotionally register with me but it is immensely important to me that my mom, who suffered so during her last year, is okay and healed or healing on the Other Side. She was/is a wonderful soul, and being present for her suffering but largely unable to help her greatly inhibited my ability to enjoy life; it's a dark spell that's been hard to shake. Your transmissions last night went a long way to staging a psychological recovery for me." - Tom, Dallas, Texas
"David you were 100% on target with me in your reading with me yesterday. You are unique in a world of people that make their living saying they are psychic.  So often psychic readers feel the need to ask question after question, so one ends up questioning whether their ability comes from Spirit or being an excellent listener.  You talk without the need of inquiry after inquiry.  You are the real deal. Your open heart and willingness to say whatever Spirit suggests is such a breath of fresh air.  Thank you again, for your work and your spiritual insight.": Michael - Coppell, TX 


From time to time I receive some wonderful feedback from my clients that moves and stirs me.  Below are some of those
" It was a great evening! I went in with no expectations. I am totally convinced that it was indeed my best friend since high school that came through.
There was absolutely no doubt! You described my friend Eddy to the "nth" degree. There was no doubt about it .. it was him. I was totally convinced and I am pretty skeptical! I have had readings before, but never that specific and factual. I could validate 99.5% of everything you told me. I am still smiling today!! Thank you for sharing your gift, David. Cant wait to have the opportunity to see you again.": Jim - Dallas,Texas